Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The next generation of automobile technology

Finally, after all these years, we've reached the point where automotive nirvana is within reach. All we need now is for a brave lawmaker to mandate these improvements, and the world will be a better place, practically overnight.

My proposal: by 2012, all new vehicles must include negative feedback into the steering wheel for the following crimes against humanity.
  • Tailgating (defined as traveling less than 2 seconds from the car in front of you)
  • Changing lanes without using a turn signal (must be on for at least 1 second before the lane change is made)
  • Making a turn without a turn signal (must be on for at least 2 seconds before the turn)
  • Active cell phone connection while speeding (this is tricky–what if your passenger is the one talking on the cell phone?)
  • Driving with the windows up and air conditioning running on a 75˚ day (this one would probably be dropped in committee, but we have to have something to compromise on to be able to keep the rest)
The feedback should be in the form of a mild electric shock or strong vibration.

Anything else that's technologically feasible? The civil libertarians (like, uh, me) will gripe that government is sticking its nose into private behavior, but this is purely for training proper behavior. We're not actually imposing new laws on citizens, just corporations.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


What are the Daily's up to now... said...

I can't agree with the windows up thing. Some of us have long hair and it can become a bit difficult to see!

What are the Daily's up to now... said...

Agree with all but the windows. Some of us have long hair!