Thursday, November 5, 2009


For anyone in the Indianapolis area who reads this before Sunday afternoon (in other words, all 0.5 of you)...

The Phoenix Theatre is holding its last 3 showings of Shipwrecked! this weekend. I just caught it myself; Charles Goad is captivating in the lead role, from the moment the lights begin to dim until the bitter end. I'll admit that I felt the play drag a wee bit, but some of the funniest moments come near the end, and overall it was well worth it.

The deadpan humor kept everyone smiling, and Queen Victoria had the audience roaring in laughter. I thought Charles nearly cracked up himself at that point.

Very little to dislike, much to cherish, I cannot recommend this play highly enough. I only hope I get to catch Charles Goad in another role this flamboyant.

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